Midi Utility-Auto Accompaniment System-High Quality-Professional Performance-Friendly Interface-Easy To Use-For Every One

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Ak Midi Composer version 4.16, 10/2003
By Nguyen Anh Kiet, Tran Viet Hung,
K&H Midi Music Ltd.

Telephone: (84 8) 825 6264
E-Mail: Akietk@hcm.vnn.vn, 

A.What does this program do?
    -From a song file with a single melody track (.MID type 1 files) this program tries to produce an accompaniment for guitar, bass, drums,... and the list of accords for each measure in the song.

    -You can select one or more styles to make an accompaniment. Some styles included for example.
    -You can create and save User Styles, which are some combinations of included styles with your own individual instruments settings.
    -You can modify accord list as you would like.
    -You can save accord list for use later.
    -Output .mid file can be played directly on any Midi Player.

B.Notes for use:
    1.Input .mid file must be the MIDI file of type 1. Melody tunes must be put on the first Track and set to the first Midi Channel.

    2.The 'Timesignature' and 'Keysignature' must be set correctly with music score. Last note and the Keysignature will be used by this program to find out the Game (Key) of The Music. This program assumes there is no game (key) change in the input song.

    3.You can use this program to import melody tunes from any midi file (*.mid) or karaoke file (*.kar), or you can use any Midi Editor (Encore, Finale,...) to create your own melody, and then save it as midi file type 1 (to import into this program latter).

    4.Program can run in Normal, Simple, Complex, Mixing modes. The results are different, so you can try to get best result. Usually Complex modes produce a good output.

    5.The results are:
    - Standard MIDI file: Melody + Accompaniment
    - List of accords for each measure

    6.This program is tested on Creative Labs "Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS", using 21MB GM SoundFont. You may use any Soft-Wavetable driver if you have not a hardware wavetable.

C.Some demo songs included in DemoMidi.zip. These songs all are created by and composed fully automatic by this program. You can load these songs and try to re-compose as examples.

D.Any question and comment please send to the E-Mail address above. Thank you.


Copyright © KH Midi Music Ltd.
26 LyTuTrong Street, Dist.1, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam
Phone: 082 376 0485
Email: KhMidiMusic@gmail.com

5/25/310 NguyenVanCu Street Gialam, Hanoi, Vietnam, Phone: 090 417 7355
1/11 Street 79, Dist.7, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam, Phone: 090 991 1030
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