Midi Utility-Auto Accompaniment System-High Quality-Professional Performance-Friendly Interface-Easy To Use-For Every One

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Free SoundFonts
SoundFont link1
SoundFont link2

Runs on a Sf2 SoundFont Device: SB Live, SB Audigy, ...

You can download free sound fonts from these links.
The link3 has many SoundFont options to download, but it is low data transfer rate. There is very good GM/GS sound font Unison 1.0 (28MB)

Free Software Midi Synth
Soft SoundFont Device

Windows all

The software emulates SoundFont Device for users who have not a SoundFont Compatible Hardware.


KH Midi Music Ltd.
26 LyTuTrong Street, Dist.1, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam
Phone: 082 376 0485
Email: KhMidiMusic@gmail.com

5/25/310 NguyenVanCu Street Gialam, Hanoi, Vietnam, Phone: 090 417 7355
1/11 Street 79, Dist.7, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam, Phone: 090 991 1030
Contact us
WelcomeMarquee === Chào Bạn đến với Midi Utility's Website. === Monday, 13/1/2025, 11:07:32 PM. === You are welcome to Midi Utility's Website. === KH Midi Music Ltd. ===